SouthernU™ Study Hall

SouthernU™ isn’t just a checking and savings experience – it’s all about getting you ready for the complex set of financial decisions that you’ll be facing over the next decade! It’s about understanding financial basics and being well-informed to make wise choices when a fork in the road presents itself. Whether it is that itch to spend your savings on that sound system for your car – or that credit card they’re offering outside the dining hall, we’ll help steer you in the right direction!

SouthernU™ Study Hall provides an engaging personal educational experience through a series of interactive learning playlists designed specifically for SouthernU™ account holders. Each learning playlist covers a specific point in life – either Graduating High School or already in College – and preparing for “the real world”  through a series of micro-learning moments designed to provide targeted answers to learners’ financial life questions.

From banking basics to saving for the future, SouthernU™ Study Hall is open for learning! Get started today by selecting the option that best fits you!

Current SouthernU™ Study Hall Playlists

iOS Users: if accessing this page from within Southern Bank’s mobile banking app, use a long press to launch each class hyperlink.

Graduating High School Playlist
College Playlist
  • Creating a Budget
    Learn strategies, tips, and tools to stick to your budget and achieve your financial goals.
  • Debt Management
    Climbing out of debt takes having a plan. Learn how to use your budget to pay off your debt.
  • How does Inflation Impact my Finances?
    Read this article to learn more.
  • Build Better Credit
    Understand the importance of building credit, identify the factors that impact credit scores, and learn how to build better credit.
  • Car Loans
    Explore different ways to buy a car and the steps you can take to apply for a car loan.
  • Building Emergency Savings
    Learn why and how to save for emergency expenses.
  • Certificates of Deposit
    Learn how to use Certificates of Deposit (CDs) as a low risk investment in reaching your financial goals.
  • Mindful Living
    Learn about the fundamentals, benefits, and strategies you can use to practice mindful living.
  • Sustainable Investing
    Explore how to use sustainable investing to support the causes that are important to you while building a financial portfolio.
  • Preparing for a Job Interview
    Learn how to prepare for a job interview and manage stress.

SouthernU™ Study Hall Features

  • Mobile-First

    Our mobile-first design meets you where you are and gives you the flexibility to engage with content on the go.

  • Interactive

    We offer you a best-in-class, personalized learning experience with engaging content and interactive exercises that allow you to focus on what YOU want to learn.

  • Built for U

    We want you to get the most out of your account – and for us that means always making the best decisions. This was built to meet you where you currently are, empowering U for what’s next. Nothing more. Nothing less.

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